Step 1: Create a GitHub Pro Account
- Go to
- Create an account with your email address.
- Confirm email.
- Go to
- Click "Get the pack" and fill out the form and follow their directions.
- Log into your GitHub Account and you should see a "PRO" badge on your profile.
- Update in any profile information you would like to.
- In the search dialogue, search for my username, "PeterEFrancis", and follow me, so I can see your account.
Step 2: Download Atom
- Go to
- Click download and note the saved file location.
- After installing, unzip the file, and drag the atom application to your Applications folder. (You might have to go to security and privacy in system preferences and allow Atom to be run).
- Open Atom
- "Atom" > "Preferences", and then " + Install"
- Search for and install the "language-python" and "teletype" packages (if they are not already instsalled).
Step 3: Install Homebrew
- Open a terminal window and enter the following line:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Press the enter key to run.
- Confirm any prompts in the terminal as Homebrew is downloading. Depending on your Xcode installation, this may also install "Command Line Tools".
- After Homebrew has installed, if you are using OS X 10.12 (Sierra) or older, run this line in the terminal
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
otherwise run this line
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:$PATH"
Step 4: Install Python (and pip)
- Run this line in the terminal:
brew install python
- Run this line in the terminal
which python3
and you should see "/usr/local/bin/python3".
Step 5: Install Jupter notebook
- Run this line in the terminal:
python3 -m pip install jupyter
- Run this line in the terminal
which jupyter
and you should see "/usr/local/bin/jupyter".
Step 6: Install Git (if you don't have it)
Run this line in the terminal:
git --version
If you don’t have git installed already, this will prompt you to install it. If you do have it, you will see something like "git version 2.24.2 (Apple Git-127)".
Step 7: Create a Git Repository for this course
- Log into your Github account
- Click the green "New" repository button.
- Enter "learning-python" as the repository name.
- Click the check box that says Initialize this repository with a README.
- Click "Create Repository".
- Click "Code" and then under "Clone", copy the URL that is in the dialogue that opens.
- Open a terminal window and run the following lines.
cd ~
mkdir Programming
cd Programming
git clone <paste the link you copied here>
- Open Atom
- "File" > "Add Project Folder...", and open the folder that you just created ("learning-python") which is in the new master directory "Programming". (I suggest you drag "Programming" to the side of a finder window to be in the sidebar with Documents, Desktop, etc.).
- On the left hand side of the window, you should see a file structure tree with "learning-python" the parent directory, and inside it, one file named "". If you don't see the file structure, move your mouse to the left edge of the widonw and click the arrow that pops up.
- Click "" to open it. Underneath "# learning-python", type anything you want.
- Right click "learning-python" and create a new File named ".gitignore" (dont miss the dot!).
- In ".gitignore", type "**/.ipynb_checkpoints" and save the file.
- In the bottom right hand corner, click "Git". (Sign into your GitHub account if it prompts you to do so and if there is an option to save your credentials, check it).
- Click "Stage all" on the top right, enter a commit message like "initial test", and then click "Commit".
- Click "Push" on the bottom of the window.
- Open your GitHub account again and refresh the page. You should see that "" now has the line that you added in Atom. You should also be able to see the ".gitignore" file.